Politique de confidentialité

Data protection
Our company attaches particular importance to protecting the privacy and personal data of visitors/users. It is pointed out that personal data is defined by the relevant legislation (General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU) only as information concerning an identified or - based on some characteristics - an identifiable natural person (data subject). Information concerning legal entities and groups of persons or information of a statistical nature, which it is impossible to reduce to an identified or identifiable natural person, does not fall into this category and is excluded from the scope of the relevant legislation.

This present Personal Data privacy policy is fully compatible with the European Regulation for the protection of natural persons against the processing of personal data (EU/2016/679) and Greek Legislation.
Our company may modify this policy at any time and without any notice. In this case, we will announce any such modification through our website. By navigating and using our website, visitors/users acknowledge that they have read, understood, and unconditionally accepted the Data Protection Policy.

In the following terms, you will find important information regarding the type, the purpose of using your data, their protection, and your rights as subjects of this data. For any clarification, you can contact our company's Personal Data Protection Officer at www. vigla-amorgos.com or at privacy(at) vigla-amorgos.com.

Responsible Entity:
The company responsible for processing personal data on our behalf is:
2. VAT number: 072227323
3. Amorgos, Tholaria
4. Postal code 84008
Personal data we collect:
You are not obliged to provide us with your personal information when you visit our website.
Data Collection Points
We will collect and process information about you if you voluntarily provide us with such information about the following:

  1. If you fill out a form on our website
  2. If you fill out the physical registration card
  3. If you contact us by phone or in person
  4. If you send us a letter, e-mail, or social media message.
  5. If you sign up to receive a service from us (e.g., a newsletter, blog, or following us on social media).
  6. If you ask us for promotional information (e.g., information about one of our products or services)
  7. If you participate in a survey, contest, or prize draw. the
  8. If you contribute content to us
  9. When you complete the form, send us a receipt of payment and contact for tracking in the context of the measures for COVID 19
  10. If you stay at our hotel and get through an area monitored by the security camera.

The types of information we may receive. They include:

  1. Your name
  2. Your Email
  3. Your phone
  4. Your age
  5. The reservation date and the activity
  6. Your image (through the cameras and if you pass through the areas they monitor)

Notes: The above personal data mentioned in points 1-5 are necessary to execute our service contract.

Generally, we do not collect "sensitive information" (e.g., information about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, criminal background, or trade union membership) unless voluntarily provided by you. We strongly recommend that you not send us this information unless you have a specific reason to do so directly related to our services.

Therefore, we may use your medical or other sensitive data to serve better and satisfy your needs (but in no case will we process any sensitive data for marketing or profiling purposes). Such sensitive information is only shared with third-party service providers (acting as data processors) to provide the services you request. By making such special requests or informing us of such preferences, you agree to share your information with us in this way.

Our data processors are contractually bound to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of data protection legislation and ensures the protection of your rights. We may also transfer your data to public authorities as part of our legal compliance to deal with the negative consequences due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus under the relevant legislation.
We use the platform on our website or by phone to make, complete and prove a reservation.

The headquarters of our company's location is in Greece, and we assure you that the processing takes place within the European Economic Area (EEA), and no data is transferred to third countries.

Information such as your computer's IP address (Internet Protocol address) may be automatically collected when you visit our website.
For more information, see the relevant cookie policy below.

Our company may operate a page on social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram but does not process personal data. It is possible to contact the administrators of our company page by sending a message. Suppose the webmaster of the page receives messages containing the personal data of individuals. In that case, they are entirely confidential, and their use serves only the reason for communicating with us. After fulfilling the purpose, the data was collected, it will get deleted.

Our company does not and cannot influence and control the nature and extent of personal data collected and maintained by social networking platforms as a condition or result of their use and bears no responsibility for managing and processing the personal data they perform. For more information about the purposes of collection and further processing and use of personal data by social media platforms and about the rights and settings available to protect your privacy and personal data, please consult the privacy policy of the specific social media platform.

Processing purposes
Typically, we will use and process your information to:
to help us create content relevant to our visitors. [only with express consent]
to improve our websites and social media pages and ensure that their content is presented most effectively for you. [only with express consent]
to provide you with information, products, or services that you request from us or that we think may be of interest to you. [only when an e-mail address was acquired in the context of a legitimate prior sale of a product or service, provided that customers have the opportunity to object to this use of electronic contact information at the time of their collection and the opportunity of each message]
Evaluate and help us understand general trends and patterns related to our business. [only with express consent]
to ensure the safety and security of our visitors.
to compile anonymous aggregate statistics that will allow us to understand how users use our websites and help us improve the structure of our websites. [only with express consent]
to enable you to make bookings, purchase gift cards and make payments.
meet legal or regulatory requirements.
to provide you with the products or services you request from us. and
to improve our products and services and to ensure that our products and services are of interest to you [only with express consent]
to comply with our legal obligation in the field of public health protection
We may process your personal information both automatically and manually. We may use your information in other ways to provide specific notice at the time of collection.
Information Sharing
We do not sell, disclose, or share information we collect and maintain about you, except as described in this Privacy Policy. We may share information with service providers who perform functions and services on our behalf. These third parties will be appointed as data processors. They will only be provided with the information necessary to activate the services on our behalf but are not authorized to use that information for any other purpose. We may disclose information about you if required by law, under legal process, or in response to a request from law enforcement or other government officials. We reserve the right to transfer information about you if we sell or transfer all or part of our business or assets under applicable law. In the event of such a sale or transfer, we will use reasonable efforts to require the new owner to use the information you have provided to us in a manner consistent with our Privacy Policy and to notify you before such data transfer, providing adequate information. After such a sale or transfer, you may contact the entity to which we transferred your information with any questions regarding processing that information.

The principles of personal data collection:
Our company collects and processes the personal data of visitors/users only for the fulfillment of its goals and functions and, more specifically, for the service of communication with you and in the context of the provision of services and commercial objectives. The processing is limited to the personal data that are necessary and suitable for fulfilling its purposes and functions. Processing is subject to the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation and relevant EU legislation, Greek law, and relevant international treaties and conventions.
Use of the personal data we collect:
The personal data we collect from our communication platform and any other information sent to us through our profiles in the various social networking systems are used only for the contract between us or to communicate with you and certainly for your better service. Site browsing cookies are used to analyze our website traffic, better understand your preferences, and display ads related to them on third-party websites. This data is not further processed, forwarded, or exchanged. In any case, your prior consent is required for the above use of your data.
Use of personal data management in the context of dealing with the Pandemic.
The processing of personal data to take the necessary measures, under the relevant Acts of Legislative Content, to avoid the risk of the appearance or spread of the coronavirus that may have severe effects on public health is applied under the conditions of the GDPR. In these cases, the legal bases defined in articles 6 par. 1 sec. c' (the processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation of the controller), d' (the processing is necessary to safeguard a vital interest of the data subject or another natural person) and i' (the processing is necessary for reasons of public interest interest in the field of public health, such as ensuring high standards of quality and safety of health care and medicines or medical technology products) as well as the law 4624/2019 according to the no. 01/2020 Opinion of the Authority, in conjunction with any more specific legislation for the protection of personal data, including the relevant regulations of the PNP and the implementing ministerial decisions.
Update on the use of security cameras.
Under No. 27 Par. 7 of Law 4624/2019, we inform you that a closed-circuit visual recording system has been installed in our hotel. The shooting angle does not go beyond the company's control area and does not extend into public spaces. More information through a detailed written privacy notice can be obtained from the reception of our hotel.
Cookie Policy:
When navigating this website, our company may collect user identity data using related technologies, such as cookies and Internet Protocol (IP) address tracking. Cookies are small text sent to the browser by a website the user visits. Using cookies makes it easier for the site to remember information about the user's visit, such as the language you prefer, remember your preferences for secure search, count the number of visitors or facilitate registration to our services.
How to control cookies:
You can control or delete cookies according to your wishes from the mechanism that is on our page.

Your rights to the processing of data concerning you:
Under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 / EU, you are entitled, both during the collection phase and later, to be informed about any processing of your data, as well as about the communication/transfer to third parties and their identity (right information and access). You also have the right to request the correction, update, or deletion of the personal data that we hold. You also have the right to restrict processing and the right to object. For your information and to exercise your rights, you can contact the Personal Data Protection Officer at privacy (at) www.vigla-amorgos.com. Also, according to the Rules, you have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority.
Confidentiality and security:
The personal data we collect in the website's operation is essential to communicate with you. The information is strictly confidential and used only for this communication. Access to this data is given to a few executives of our company committed to maintaining confidentiality. In addition, we have adequate security systems and take all necessary and appropriate organizational and technical measures to avoid any personal data breach (leakage, disclosure, access by unauthorized persons) from our systems.
Modification of this Privacy Policy:
This Privacy Policy can be changed whenever required and always under national and European legislation. For this reason, you are welcome to visit this page regularly for your information. By navigating and using our website, visitors/users acknowledge that they have read, understood, and unconditionally accepted the Data Protection Policy.
Applicable law:
The terms and conditions of use of this website and any modification or change thereof are governed by Greek, EU, and international law. Provisions of the terms of service that are inconsistent with this legal framework shall automatically cease to apply and be removed from the website without prejudice to the validity of other terms of use.
To contact website content issues or related legal issues/requests, you can send an email to privacy (at) vigla-amorgos.com