Unlock Exclusive Perks with Our Loyalty Program
Join for Free and Get Instant Access to special privileges and more.
We believe in rewarding our guests with more than just a stay - we want to offer an experience that's both exceptional and cost-effective. By joining our Loyalty Program, you gain access to a range of exclusive perks designed to make your time with us even more enjoyable.
Key Benefits of Our Loyalty Program:
- Up to 10% Discount on All Room Rates & Types: No matter which room or suite you choose, enjoy up to 10% off when booking directly with us. Whether it's a Book & Benefit Rate or a Special Offer, you'll always get a great deal.
- Best Price Guarantee: Booking directly means you're guaranteed the lowest rate available. With our Best Price Guarantee, you can feel confident you're getting the best value for your stay.
- 10% Discount in Our Restaurant: Treat yourself to delicious meals in our restaurant and enjoy a 10% discount on all food items (drinks not included). Whether you're enjoying lunch or dinner, you'll save while savoring every bite.
- Complimentary Transfer to/from Aegiali Port: Your journey to and from our hotel is hassle-free with our Free Transfer Service to and from Aegiali Port. Begin and end your stay with comfort and convenience.
- Early Check-in & Late Check-out: For guests needing a little extra flexibility, we offer early check-in and late check-out, based on availability. Enjoy more time to relax and make the most of your stay.
Sign Up Now to Unlock These Rewards
Joining is quick and free! Enroll in our loyalty program today - either during your next stay or through our website - and start taking advantage of these fantastic benefits right away. Each time you return, you'll enjoy even more savings and privileges.